Friday, October 12, 2018


Hey everyone, we feel happy and excited to announce about our small startup with our company 

named 'DOTS', in which we began manufacturing small & innovative gadgets, reaching the 

needs of most of the people, and could be of good aid for their day to day activities.

                                                                      TEAM DOTS
                                                                                                                                       LET US CONNECT....

Monday, July 16, 2018

Controller for smartphones!!

Nowadays ,the survival game in Android called PUBG(player unknown battle grounds)has became most popular.
But still its different to play these type of games in joypad than touch controls (the L1 and R1 makes those difference).
So why dont we make one those L1 and R1 controller for smartphones at home ,to enjoy the gaming better .
Its just like another finger of your hand touching the screen....
So this one is the simple project just by using popstical sticks , pape pins and a button cell.
Why button cell , because mobile screens  are  capacitive touchscreens so we require a conducting material and for that best is those cells
If u need to know different types of touchscreen and how they work visit this youtube video

After you get to know the principle now see this project ..
The procedure to make this or similar ones  are different.and soon i will make a video in my youtube channel and give the link to that ..

Thank you. :)

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Why i made this blog ?

Hello everyone ,
Remember that no things can imagine what we the humans can imagine ,we come across lots of ideas .
hmm..some may be funny some serious ,but sometimes these ideas are hid inside our mind .we couldn't express those tiny innovative ideas which may become a big one.
Sometimes it happens like we have got the idea but to execute we may not have some resources .
So is it not better if we share those tiny ideas with people in a platform so that they can do it and share the would be good i think.
If this chain continues at the end one can hav lots of ideas shared by all from which he/she may get another one ..
So let this mutual sharing begins ,with an ATOMIC MIND.
This was the reason i just started this blog .
I will be sharing interesting things here and share your thoughts in the comments..
Hope you all support..
For this to continue
And also visit my youtube channel
Thank you everyone......:)